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The Evolving Role of Educator: Clarifier

January 19, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

This is an initial post in a series of considerations on the changing role of the contemporary educator. As technology continues to expand into the educational environment, the function of educator is rapidly evolving. As in all eras of education an educator must play multiple roles though, one could assume, that all jobs involve multiple roles and responsibilities. What makes education different though is the ways in which these different roles impact on others. In the education system a teacher’s role switching has a direct impact on the education of multiple individuals. Technology as a blended supplement to this environment further impacts this dynamic. Education is unique in its relation to technology in that the impact of significant change has a major impact on the future lives of individuals.

One major role of the contemporary educator is of “the clarifier”. The educator has an authoritative role in the classroom and when functioning as a clarifier the exercise of authority comes on the excess amount of information. An educator who is clarifying is trimming down a student’s focus to a specific point or goal. The clarifier is an important role for an educator who brings a wealth of information into the classroom. One major factor brought about by the addition of network technology in the classroom is a culling of large amounts of information. When a student has the ability to gather reams of information, he or she needs a figure to clarify the information entering the learning space and frame the learning.

The clarifier is a uniquely modern role in terms of education. All teachers clarify but when viewed in relation to technology, this role is critical to combat the wealth of variety technology delivers. The absence of this role creates an environment where information overload can take hold. A student who has access to lots of information may be unable to draw connections with the disparate facts and figures. The educator functioning as clarifier ties together this information and can assist the student to construct meaning.

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